A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

On a distant war-torn planet, a lone girl is resurrected from the mud to wield an outdated yet strangely powerful firearm. 

"Wake them to their senses, Bearer. Break the sky and from it call the stars."

STRATO BREAKER is a 3D bullet hell soulslike where you must master realistic reload mechanics and customize your weapon to survive.

- Every Bullet Matters

Manage your rifle's ammunition with a realistic but streamlined reload system. Neglect the contents of your magazines before entering a firefight at your own risk. Less realistically, the number of bullets that can be chambered at once is unlimited: chamber more than one bullet before firing to output a higher-damage shot with greater armor penetration. 

- Evasion-Focused 3D Ranged Combat

Leverage your helmet's autoaim system to concentrate on dodging overwhelming enemy fire. Face a variety of opponents, from hostile fauna wielding claws to advanced weapons platforms bearing anti-army Rainfire systems. 

- A Dynamic Multi-Layered World

Explore a seamlessly connected world with no shortage of secrets to hide. But remember: with every slumber or death, time progresses. 

Current demo version is v0.1f and includes one area + boss. and maybe a secret or three

next major demo version when i finish another two areas probably (maybe i shouldn't have drawn the world map so big? maybe)

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(11 total ratings)
Tags3D, 3d-bullet-hell, 3d-danmaku, Bullet Hell, Souls-like, Third-Person Shooter


StratoBreaker_v0.1f_win.zip 317 MB
StratoBreaker_v0.1f_mac.zip 321 MB

Development log


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The Game is pretty fun and the concept is incredible, and is even more impressive that it is possible to play using a dual sense controller, I can't wait until the whole game releases, I'll make sure to complete it as soon as it releases

very fun, though the basic enemies kill a bit too fast


Hey ! This game look pretty impressive and the concept look very fun !
Can we expect a Linux build as the development continue ?
If yes, that would be awesome, I really want to try it !


Pretty cool concept, it’s promising. My biggest complaint - aside from the uneditable controls - is that it’s a bit stiff, and thus I hardly imagine bosses being very interesting/varied without relying on the dash too much because of the movements. Other than that, love it!

(1 edit) (+5)

Genuinely wonderful, adore the way in which the reloading is setup, it has really engaging complexity, and appreciate the more utilitarian low fi aesthetic, and the writing is really cute, really like the medic girl a lot.
can't wait for more, deeply excited <3

(1 edit) (+3)

Pretty alright game. I'd rate it a 7/10. There are good concepts here. 

However, there is zero reason to ever engage in combat that isn't mandatory. Basic movement is good enough to simply avoid most problems. 

There is also somewhat minimal incentive in using a second magazine due to how reloading and charging works, but this is only an issue as more technical play is discovered-- perhaps the second magazine will be more relevant as the game goes on. 

  • any% PB: 1:12:91
  • doll% PB: 0:49.44 (sub-45 possible with better movement)

How do you load in bullets?  I clicked F and tried left click, right click, middle click, scroll wheel, r, holding r, holding f, wasd, space, c , e, and i can't seem to figure out how to reload


F opens reload screen yep, then (once you have at least one magazine and bullets collected) you can:

  1. left click the magazine button (bottommost, unmarked gray rectangle) to put bullets into it
  2. left click the "load magazine" button (middle, marked with upward arrow) to put the magazine into the rifle

after that, the player character should automatically operate the bolt to chamber a bullet, at which point shooting can occur!


I see I see, thank you!


This game looks so sick I can’t wait to play it